Best Of

Healing yourself, loving the world

stone opening on beach

How many secrets do we keep?

September 27, 2018. Hundreds of thousands of people tune into Dr. Ford’s testimony of her sexual assault as a 15-year-old.  Tears stream down the faces of women everywhere as they listen to her present herself, composed and calmly in front of 21 U.S. Senators and the entire televised world. She’s telling her secrets, she’s telling … Read more

Don’t stop at blame

I first wrote this piece in 2013.  Rereading it today, it’s even more applicable in today’s social-political climate.  I reference EFT, also known as tapping, but the insights stand, regardless of which approach you use to move through your emotional and cognitive changes. The relief of self-differentiation I’ve discovered through my own process, and the … Read more

easel in brick walled studio

Tapping through drawing

I first learned about picture tapping from Jondi Whitis at the Spring Energy Event several years ago.  I will be meeting the creators Christine Sutton and Philip Davis next year at the York Gathering and thought it time I give it a try. Drawings tell us so much I’ve done some powerful pieces of inner work based … Read more

mountain field of purple wildflowers

“My scans are clear”

This was published on EFTUniverse last year.  That’s why the format is more formal than normal. And I’m delighted that Keren herself wrote the closing paragraph. My scans are clear …. When I read that email from my client Keren, I was touched deeply.  I knew that we had cleared some of the issues surrounding … Read more

mountain range and green valley

Listening to my children’s intuition

Am I supporting my children’s connection to their intuition, inner knowing, physical instincts, mental capacities, emotional truth, and personal authority? To me this is the basis of my parenting and what the movements of unschooling, attachment parenting, and conscious parenting are all about. It’s my definition of what Robin Grille calls the “helping mode” of … Read more