I didn’t vaccinate my kids, but I’m not an anti-vaxxer
We need people making informed decisions about vaccines based on their personal situation, good data, and social impact.
You didn’t create the virus
The virus happened, and we learned. But that isn’t a cause and effect statement.
The relief of finding out you’re hurting
Grief, anger, overwhelm, and shock come and go, but you aren’t thrown off-center as much when you’re tapping.
The vision of group wisdom
In the midst of our personal healing, there’s something far greater unfolding.
Ancient Nahuatl Blessing
This ancient Nahuatl blessing shows that we can both appreciate and release our family patterns.
Appreciation for knowing ourselves
I’ve been writing recently about the stages of our healing and transformational journeys. I see four distinct areas, with a fifth, unknown, creative area. Heal our wounds on a personal level (read blog post here) Heal our wounds on a family ancestral level (read blog post here) Understand ourselves and our gifts and role in … Read more
How many secrets do we keep?
September 27, 2018. Hundreds of thousands of people tune into Dr. Ford’s testimony of her sexual assault as a 15-year-old. Tears stream down the faces of women everywhere as they listen to her present herself, composed and calmly in front of 21 U.S. Senators and the entire televised world. She’s telling her secrets, she’s telling … Read more
The light in the holidays
As we stop and look beneath the holiday hustle and bustle, we can notice some powerful energies and desires at work during this time of year. The cycles of nature and trajectories of the planets give us the space to pause, reflect, embrace, and delight, if we pause and notice what’s happening underneath. For some … Read more
Goals are okay, I’m okay
You remember the classic self-help book, I’m Okay, You’re Okay? I love the idea of the four quadrants of okay, not okay, I, and the other. Well here’s a story of that idea applied to goals, yes goals. Goals are okay, I’m not I used to be the ultimate-goal-setting person. I lived by my goals; I trained … Read more
“The way we get to know each other is fateful”
“The way we get to know each other is fateful” — how powerful a statement. I have been wanting to facilitate an opening roundtable for our beautiful Spring Energy Event the last two years and this year I had the opportunity. On the opening evening Friday, I offered the following questions to the participants: What … Read more
An experiment of intention
Microwave versus love Several years ago I did an experiment where I grew two pots of seeds, one nourished with tap water and one “mal-nourished” with microwaved water. My purpose was to prove to my husband that microwaves are bad. I knew they were bad at the time. And sure enough, the seed grown with … Read more
How are we connected?
“How are we connected?” If we asked this question as we engage with others, what would change? Would we be more kind, compassionate, understanding? Would we seek to see where we agree and where we can find common ground? Would we see how we are all part of one giant web of life? Would we … Read more
I want more
I woke one morning this week with a sudden, expansive, and relief-feeling thought. For the past few months, ever since I finished my Family Energetics book, I had been working on some business plans but had been feeling some resistance and things weren’t flowing. I kept feeling this expansive ambition but when I tried to … Read more
Honoring our choices
I was at a mall a few weeks ago exchanging a gift in an expensive store located near other more expensive stores. Walking through this section of the mall, I noticed women dressed quite elegantly, looking very put-together, and I felt a bit envious and uneasy. I commented to my daughter that one day I … Read more
A joyful event
The world met you on December 5, 2012. I had known you for a bit longer. The first time I saw you, I literally shook with excitement, awe, and delight. I was overcome with seeing you in physical form. I delighted in looking at your features, your details, and the love of life you represent. … Read more
Heartbased goal setting
Many years ago I facilitated organization strategic business planning and professional goal setting. There was a model of evaluating goals called SMART. SMART stood for the following five criteria: Specific Measurable Attainable or Actionable Realistic Time-Oriented. I find those criteria to be somewhat helpful but they don’t nearly account for intuition, our own unique energy … Read more
It’s up to us
The world needs us to step up If you were to look at your development personally and spiritually as a continuum, or an evolving state of being, you might notice movement through some of the following areas: Unaware of my actions and how my past history affects who I am today. Aware of my past … Read more
Byron, Rumi, and Abe walk into a bar
Five spiritual teachers walk into a bar. How do you know that’s true? ~ Byron Katie Choose your truth. ~ Abe Life means suffering. ~ Four Noble Truths Swami Vivekananda: All truth is eternal. When the remedy you have offered only increases the disease, then leave him who will not be cured, and tell your story … Read more