Site Map
Healing yourself, loving the world
- Never again, an IFS car part story
- What is IFS and why might you care?
- Feeling safe, seen, and celebrated
- 5 stages of your healing journey
- The 4 agreements of social media
- Self care and compassion
- A healthy, functioning government
- Pandemic and election fatigue
- Our Supreme Court
- Climate change
- The relief of finding out you’re hurting
- 9 ways to feel less stressed
- Tapping resources for virus stress
- Tapping to feel less stressed (video)
- Let your fear know it’s 2020
- 10 ways tapping is like swinging a kettlebell
- Tapping for ENFPs
- Your life and its rooms
- Reconnect with your enthusiasm
- Intuitive thinkers and tapping
- The mystery, binds, and insights of transits
- The vision of group wisdom
- The kitty and the rope
- Ancient Nahuatl Blessing
- Buying a bike saved my life
- I cried at the M&M’s
- Three stages of knowing ourselves
- I am a source of nurturing energy
- My life benefits from others
- Why caring isn’t enough
- I can do it!
- I do the right thing
- I matter
- I belong
- Growing our societies
- I will survive
- Just for parents
- Feisty with a tender heart
- Intro to tapping points
- Appreciation for knowing ourselves
- How many secrets do we keep?
- Appreciation for ancestral healing
- Appreciation for tapping
- Tension in the body
- Triggered to compassionate #2
- Triggered to compassionate #1
- Are you ready to let go?
- Arguing with the wrong person
- Don’t stop at blame
- You and the group
- The stories we tell
- Doorways to tapping
- The Archetypes
- A Mother’s Day affirmative prayer
- I value myself
- Using structure to tap better
- The friendliest thrive
- Just for Today March 29
- The wanting in the unwanted
- Releasing resentment
- Working with the Gene Keys
- The curious and discerning mind
- The light in the holidays
- Relationship-based parenting
- Seeing the best
- Listening with the heart
- Family Energetics in 100 words
- Tapping scripts do work
- Feeling too busy
- “I just want to feel better”
- Explaining EFT sensibly
- Tapping intro by Gary Craig
- Tapping through drawing
- “I love who I am”
- Goals are okay, I’m okay
- “The way we get to know each other is fateful”
- 2015 Spring Energy Event
- Favorite books for homeopathy
- Those goals, plans, and resolutions
- Homeopathic Banerji protocols
- In the white space
- Exploring Gene Keys
- Fishbone diagram to improve your tapping
- Impact of personality on EFT style
- The best part of the story
- Video intro to family energetics
- An experiment of intention
- Beginnings and endings
- The cause of family entanglements
- How are we connected?
- Human design library
- What is EFT?
- “My scans are clear”
- In the client’s words
- How do we change?
- I want more
- Honoring our choices
- What is Family Energetics?
- A joyful event
- “I got a B!”
- Heartbased goal setting
- It’s up to us
- Byron, Rumi, and Abe walk into a bar
- The force field of the group
- Family Energetics
- Intuitive doesn’t mean flakey
- Don’t charge what you’re worth
- When EFT isn’t enough
- Being, doing, spiritual, or material?
- Listening to my children’s intuition
- Light or dark: a story of intuition
- The jewel beneath our shame
- The brilliance of getting to zero
- The missing piece of healing found in Family Energetics
- EFT and Family Constellations
- FAQs on surrogate tapping
- A new parenting paradigm
- The Enneagram and EFT
- Energetic marketing
- Clearing your birth story
- Understand yourself with Human Design
- The skillful use of the set-up phrase
- New insights into your children
- How do you know what to tap on?
- The relief of knowing ourselves
- The tapping points
- New Year’s not-a-resolution tapping
- Gary Craig’s retirement
- What comes after tapping?
- Mistaken marriage, mistaken children?
- When we choose to leave
- Being bold!
- Finding the “I” in guilt
- Finding serenity in the soapsuds
- My 7-year old can’t parent
- The new parenting paradigm
- Supporting ourselves by pausing
- Envy shows me the way
- If tapping isn’t working for you
- Being yourself #202
- In harmony with yourself #201
- Triggered to compassion #203
- Generate love, not fear #212
- Expressing ourselves #205
- Six doorways to tapping #206
- How to tap #208
- The stories we tell #207
- Talking about your needs #209
- Rest and physical exertion #211
- The pain of opinions #215
- Talking and tapping about tapping #326
- You’ve had devastating news #316
- When bad things happen #315
- 5 things we do when stressed #314
- The energy of endings #313
- The energy to start things #312
- What you do and don’t enjoy #311
- Ten tips to get started tapping #310
- Appreciating yourself #309
- I know I’m right #308
- We are all good #307
- I can’t believe I did that #306
- I’m okay, or am I? #305
- Grin and bear it #304
- Feeling conflicted #303
- Getting help tapping #302
- Ouch, that hurts #301
- Overwhelm to compassion #245
- I release my parents #244
- Tapping is awesome #243
- It gets easier #242
- Shining your light #241
- I lost my confidence #240
- The big stuff and small #239
- The courage to tap #238
- I cry too easily #237
- Sharing your purpose #236
- Intuition on your side #235
- What are you carrying? #233
- Your creative energy #231
- Who’s your fractal? #230
- Surrogate tapping #229
- What just happened? #228
- I’m pissed off, I’m right #227
- I don’t know what to do! #226
- Fear blocks our knowing #225
- Intuition and opinions #224
- The feeling of fear #223
- Don’t distort yourself #220
- When we say yes #219