
Healing yourself, loving the world


The Archetypes

64 Archetypes 64 archetypes of the human experience inform us, affect us and reflect our human potential.  We each convey into the world a particular intelligence base on our unique configuration of these archetypes. The genesis of these archetypes is the I Ching, of which many books and interpretations are offered.  Human Design interpreted these energies and … Read more

red trees against snow covered park

In the white space

The 52th Gene Key, the stillpoint Richard Rudd begins the Gene Keys Golden Path journey by inviting us to consider the 52th Gene Key.  As I listened to his description and exploration of this Gene Key, I found myself deeply responding to the stillness he names. While I heard his recording several months ago,  its … Read more

antique keys hanging in old shop in Spain

Exploring Gene Keys

When I suggest to my clients they look at the Gene Keys work, I have several reasons in mind: The idea of the shadow, gift and Siddhi of each gate/hexagram/gene key is a compelling one and fits in with my Enneagram studies and the levels of development.  It offers us a vision of the unique … Read more

old leather bound books

Human design library

Jovian Archive, home of Ra Uru Hu, the original messenger of Human Design. Zen Human Design, one of my teachers. She has some very unique perspectives about human design. She trained originally with Ra and then they went separate ways. I appreciate her center-based approach and from her learned to not use type. Kim Gould’s … Read more

mountain stream

Being, doing, spiritual, or material?

Being, doing, spiritual or material? Sounds like twenty questions doesn’t it?  Vegetable, mineral, or animal?  Bigger than a breadbox or smaller? Worldly success is achieved by doing. Spiritual success is achieved by undoing. A juicy conversation yesterday on facebook after I posted this Alan Cohen’s quotes led me to realize how much spiritual advice points to … Read more