Energetic marketing

Healing yourself, loving the world

field with pink and white wild flowers

Energetic marketing

Building your business with intention and imagination When I first started my EFT practice, I was able to grow it quickly despite using any conventional marketing approaches. 100% of my clients come from my online presence. My three rules of marketing, and in fact my entire business, are: Connection before action Be real Follow your … Read more

colorful autumn image

How do you know what to tap on?

When something happens in the moment and I have an over-the-top reaction, how do I know what to tap on? I don’t really – I just try different language until something “pops” or clears.  Yet as I think about it, I can see four “levels” of tapping possible.  (Probably many more – I just don’t … Read more

The tapping points

The Points Described The side-0f-the-hand point is the pinkie side edge of the hand. The eyebrow point is located at the beginning of either eyebrow near the bridge of the nose on the orbital bone. The side-of-the-eye point is found by following the eyebrow around to its end, near the outside of either eye, on the bone, in front … Read more

trail in green, green woods

New Year’s not-a-resolution tapping

I’ve always thought the timing of making New Year’s resolutions has been wrong, too rushed, and just not in synch with nature.   It definitely is not in synch with my internal timing and all the emails I get from other coaches asking me to set goals really irk me!  I personally use the entire month … Read more

stunning sunset

Gary Craig’s retirement

Well, many of you have heard by now that today Gary Craig announced his retirement.  You can read his announcement here: I’m not sure what impact his retirement will have on the EFT community and I imagine some folks are concerned. As an EFT practitioner, I will miss the emofree.com site as it’s been an … Read more

butterflies on flowers

Being bold!

There is a universal calling for each of us to step fully in to our own power and unique gifts. All around me, folks are radically reevaluating how they want to be in this world. Can you feel the sense of possibility and power that is there for you? Join me in this tapping script … Read more

group of hummingbirds at red flower

The new parenting paradigm

I’m reading a fascinating history of parenting called Parenting for A Peaceful World by Robin Grille, available at the great site www.naturalchild.com. The author describes the evolution of parenting over time in cultures around the world. The history of parenting is rather brutal, with children once considered non-entities that could be discarded, killed, and used … Read more

hummingbird with lavender

Supporting ourselves by pausing

I returned this week from taking a womb-surround birth process workshop. It was a life-altering experience for me and while I can’t explain it all here, I would like to share some of what I learned and how it applies to us as parents. Our nervous systems are made to cycle in a regular pattern … Read more

mirrors in field view

Envy shows me the way

I was talking to a fellow homeschooling mom and found myself feeling a bit deficient. Her children are reading above age level, she enjoys doing lots of crafts and arts with them, and always seems to be playing with her children. When I compare myself to her, I find myself lacking. I found afterwards that … Read more