It’s up to us

Healing yourself, loving the world

The world needs us to step up

If you were to look at your development personally and spiritually as a continuum, or an evolving state of being, you might notice movement through some of the following areas:

  • Unaware of my actions and how my past history affects who I am today.
  • Aware of my past and how it impacts me, with some reactions still in place.
  • Aware of my past and actively healing this past.
  • Content with my past, feeling free of past experiences.
  • Content with my personal journey but feeling some restriction with respect to my larger Family Matrix.
  • Content with my journey and aware of being part of a Family Matrix larger than I am.
  • Content with my personal journey and aware of healing needed within the Family Matrix.
  • Content with my journey and actively healing the Family Matrix.
  • Content with my journey and content with my Family Matrix.
  • Feeling a yearning for connection to the larger collective and/or Divine.
  • Aware of a desire for greater connection with the larger collective and/or Divine but not sure how.
  • Deepening the relationship with the collective and/or Divine.
  • Living in deep relationship with the collective and/or Divine
  • Unaware of my passion and power in the present moment
  • Aware of being unskilled in claiming my passion and power in the present moment
  • Learning how to be skilled in expressing my passion and power in the present moment
  • Skilled at expressing my passion and power in the present moment

I know it’s a long list and there are connections between all the stages that aren’t linear.   I just wanted to give room to all the places and ways we expand and grow.  And if you find where you’ve come from and see the trajectory for where you are going, you can have gratitude for what you have already expanded into.

And as you contemplate your journey to date, you can feel where you have energy now to expand and contemplate and grow.

The Context

I spent the evening of the Solstice listening to a webinar by Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber and currently am participating in Frank Butterfield’s Communion of Light conversation series.  These ideas above reflect two ideas that came up for me in both experiences.

We are evolving both individually and collectively.  If we can see the gift in our past state of being, we can more easily move into the next state.

This sort of appreciation is key to all sorts of development.  Ken and Andrew discuss this quite well in their webinar and it also reminds of Robin Grille’s work on parenting.  If we see the value and intrinsic motivation of the past, we can both trust the past and trust the future.

There is no “other” coming to save us.

There was a lot of disempowered thinking about the end of the Mayan calendar.  We are fully empowered beings.  If we want a change, we need to start imagining it, visualizing it, and seeing what is possible now.  We are active expressions and indeed agents of Universal Love; we are not puppets or victims of that force but are incredible and powerful co-creators.  Finding our power in the present moment is key.  The shootings in Connecticut were impactful for precisely that reason.  Beyond the obvious loss of innocent lives, the shooting made us feel powerless.  Indeed the episode was an invitation for each of us to realize what’s important to us and to live and act out of that energy.  We are each a unique expression and BEACON of love and grace.   I invite you to consider how you fuel and light and power that beacon.

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Deborah Donndelinger

Deborah Donndelinger

I'm writing from Maryland, but my heart goes out all over the world. I'm cheering you on as you tackle the hard stuff, embrace the easy, and show up to help others.