Your Brilliant Life

Healing yourself, loving the world

field with pink and white wild flowers


Energetic marketing

Building your business with intention and imagination When I first started my EFT practice, I was able to grow it quickly despite using any conventional …

colorful autumn image


How do you know what to tap on?

When something happens in the moment and I have an over-the-top reaction, how do I know what to tap on? I don’t really – I …


The tapping points

The Points Described The side-0f-the-hand point is the pinkie side edge of the hand. The eyebrow point is located at the beginning of either eyebrow near the …

stunning sunset

Reflections, Tapping

Gary Craig’s retirement

Well, many of you have heard by now that today Gary Craig announced his retirement.  You can read his announcement here: I’m not sure what …

butterflies on flowers

Tapping, Tapping Scripts

Being bold!

There is a universal calling for each of us to step fully in to our own power and unique gifts. All around me, folks are …

group of hummingbirds at red flower

Parenting & Health

The new parenting paradigm

I’m reading a fascinating history of parenting called Parenting for A Peaceful World by Robin Grille, available at the great site The author describes …