Deborah donndelinger

Energetic marketing

Building your business with intention and imagination

When I first started my EFT practice, I was able to grow it quickly despite using any conventional marketing approaches. 100% of my clients come from my online presence. My three rules of marketing, and in fact my entire business, are:

  • Connection before action
  • Be real
  • Follow your passion

Connection before action

Any student of Law of Attraction will recognize the motto “Connection before Action”. This motto applies also to attracting clients and building our businesses. If we take the time to imagine, create, and daydream about our ideal client base and our ideal work, we will find the inspiration to act. If we take the time to imagine how it feels to have exactly the perfect type of work, we will know what next step to take.

One worthwhile exercise is to spend some time imagining your ideal client. Take a minute and ask yourself what would be a nightmare client? Get specific and real. In fact, you might already have a nightmare client as we speak. Then take the opposite of those characteristics and create a description of the ideal client, the client that brings out the best in you and makes you thankful for the opportunity to do this work. As you get clearer about your preferred clients, you will find yourself a giant transmitter, sending a very clear signal to the world. You will either attract more clients immediately or you will find a clear sense of direction and next steps. If you experience resistance to the thought of having only great clients, that’s an opportunity for some personal tapping.

The biggest marketing mistake I see is to get too anxious and push too hard, taking action too soon. Anytime we get into a scarcity mentality, we will find ourselves making poor decisions. Our connection to ourselves and our intuition determines the quality of actions. A better connection results in better outcomes. How do you know if an action is appropriate? If it feels good, then do it. If you feel a sense of dread or obligation, then it probably isn’t in your best interest to take that action.

Be real with your relationships

If you have ever been in direct sales, you might recognize this scenario: You get excited about the product and the chance to make money and you start telling everyone about the product. You see everyone you know as a prospective client. You develop tunnel vision and focus only on finding customers. What happens, however, is that we lose our connection with others and ourselves; we lose sight of the other person and what they need in our attempt to find business. We don’t trust that we can find enough customers and so we limit how we see others.

When I am interacting with someone and I feel like there is an opportunity to talk about EFT, I ask myself very clear questions: Is it appropriate? Am I doing this to help others or myself? Does it feel high integrity to talk about EFT or is it not the place or time? We show grace and integrity when we choose to not “display our wares” at any chance and instead meaningfully and deliberately decide when it’s appropriate. Be selective and deliberate.

Follow your passion

Look at your life and notice where you spend time and energy in your personal time. Do you like to read? Do you like to write? Do you like to do group activities or do you like to do more one-on-one? Do you spend time online? Who are your current group of friends? Who are you? Are you an animal lover, a mother, an athlete, a veteran, a former smoker? Take this list and realize that everything you’ve written can offer you ideas for your practice. Take each item and translate it to a characteristic or possibility for your business.

For myself as a starting practitioner, I was a mother of three children with interests in alternative education, holistic parenting, and self-development. I already had a website for sharing information with other mothers and was active in several online forums. I followed my passions for parenting and alternative health and it was an easy and natural progression to start my EFT practice focused on parenting and mothers and families. Find your current or desired passions and the path will unfold easily.

nce you have done the energetic work, the “Imagineering” of your business, it’s time to act. The number one criterion of action is: does it inspire you? If yes, then do it, if not, then don’t.

Practical ideas for beginners

There are many ways to start or grow your business. Here’s a short list of ideas:

Get your EFT-CC and EFT-ADV certificate of completion. Offer free sessions to get experience and exposure. Once you qualify, get listed on Gary Craig’s site. Set up a website; you can do it yourself for only $10/month. Rewatch Gary Craig’s DVD on doing business as an EFT practitioner. Work with as many different practitioners as you can to see what you like about them and their presence; teleclasses are a great way to do this. Be bold and take chances. Write about your experiences. Offer free teleclasses or group sessions to groups you are already involved with. Offer workshops at community locations, i.e. the library, the senior center, the gym, the chiropractor. Partner with local businesses who have something to gain from working with you. Have impeccable integrity with your business practices. Meditate and contemplate daily your ideal client and a comfortable income level. Be real with your rates. Tap on your limiting beliefs. Be yourself, follow your gifts.

You’ll be amazed.


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Posted in Reflections

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