Deborah donndelinger

Intuitive thinkers and tapping

Intuitive Thinkers and Tapping

For NT’s, with feeling and sensing in the back seat of their car model, tapping seems to be an almost perfect tool for expressing unprocessed feelings that are held in the body.

I am just back from a week-long personality profiling training in LA this past week. Taught by the brilliant folks at Personality Hacker, Antonia Dodge and Joel Mark Witt, this training is an in-depth, experiential look at the Jungian cognitive functions that make up what we know as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. I’ve got so much to say about this experience and how it can help you in your personal growth journey, but for now, I want to talk about tapping and type.

I had the chance to demo tapping with the whole group as well as do some amazing work one-on-one with some “NT’s” — folks who identity as intuitive thinkers as their type. Tapping with people who know their type helped me really track their process and notice the difference in how tapping helps. For NT’s, with feeling and sensing in the back seat of their car model, tapping seems to be an almost perfect tool for expressing unprocessed feelings that are held in the body.

For the INTJ, tapping helped clear the emotion that was holding his thoughts in place. Once he cleared the feelings, the thoughts changed quite dramatically on their own.  This was more like letting the pressure out of his system so things could re-organize.

For the INTP, tapping was more of a calming approach, letting him gently find the feelings and how they involved other people, and gently shifting them. There was a strong tie to the body sensation. (He will be posting it to his YouTube channel – I’ll link it here when I get it.)

For the ENTP, tapping was an entirely different experience.  With much more emoting and quicker processing, the tapping helped her ride the waves of the feeling without going into complete overwhelm.  Tapping was like turning on a hose at full blast and just keeping up with all the intensity.

If you are an NT and want to feel better so you can operate in your favored thinking, intuitive mode, give tapping a try. It’s fast, effective, and you are completely in charge of the process.  To learn tapping, you can do a one-on-one session with me, visit my how to tap page, listen to my podcast, (I’m an NF so am a bit more emotive), or browse other sites. Obviously I want you to work with me, but I will tell you that TappingQandA is run by a solid thinker, and he has a detailed how-to-tap page. I’m going to be developing my own how-to-tap course, but that’s a few months out.

Contact me with questions as I want to help you, and your questions help me.

Photo by 30days on Unsplash

Posted in Tapping

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