Know & Grow Yourself

Healing yourself, loving the world

toddler standing at base of wide marble staircase

It’s up to us

The world needs us to step up If you were to look at your development personally and spiritually as a continuum, or an evolving state of being, you might notice movement through some of the following areas: Unaware of my actions and how my past history affects who I am today. Aware of my past … Read more

night sky, setting sun, stars and yosemite mountains

The Enneagram and EFT

This article was the first piece I wrote on the Enneagram and EFT, published in an EFT magazine in the UK.  You can find several other updated posts on my site on this subject.  A practical model of transformation The Enneagram is a spiritual, psychological, and self-development model and system with a rich history. The … Read more