Deborah donndelinger

Tapping for ENFPs

One approach to tapping that suits ENFPs

Ah, that delightful personality type called an ENFP, those extraverted, intuitive, feeling, perceivers. Turns out I’m an ENFP, and it explains so much about my personality style, and how I interact with the world.

[If you are interested in discovering your personality type, visit I’ve been working with their material for over a year now, and am learning tons. I adore Antonia and Joel and their staff – a great group of people.]

At their profiler training in LA this past spring, I had the chance to share tapping briefly with the group and more significantly one-on-one with some Intuitive Thinkers.  I am certain that tapping is a great resource for NT’s as it helps them address their unprocessed feelings and body sensations. But what about the mysterious, contradictory ENFP? How does tapping work with their unique personalities and wiring?

What the heck is tapping?

Oh wait, I need to explain tapping for folks how are new to it.  Tapping is a modality that works with the body’s stored memories and sensations that get translated to tension and limiting beliefs. Our brains get rewired when we face situations that overwhelm our internal resources, and we end up with a triggered or restricted ability to respond. Tapping is a way to gently address this in gentle, and effective, manner. Despite looking a bit odd, as you literally tap on different points on your body, it’s scientifically proven to address stress and change our nervous systems for the better. I’ve been using it with clients since 2006, and it’s a stunning tool on many levels.

Tapping for ENFPs

I think ENFPs are one of the more interesting types to look at how tapping helps them. With our introverted feeling but extraverted nature, working with our feelings and past events can be a challenge. We need a combination of the space to talk about it and the space to feel it without intrusion.  In all the ways I’ve worked with tapping over the past 14 years, I think Picture Tapping is the best approach.

Picture Tapping is a way to tune into your feelings, out-picture them, tap, and then notice what changes.  It lets you make new connections, feeding your Ne, lets you connect with the faint memory of events (Si) and then image the feelings (Fi), and it’s a pretty effective process, satisfying your Te.

[The other way that I use tapping quite well for myself is recording my podcasts. I work with my inner stuff, but I know there’s an audience on the other side. It satisfies that extraverted, introverted nature of the ENFP.]

So, what the heck is picture tapping?

Picture tapping is an innovative and nuanced approach to tapping, developed by two folks, Christine Sutton and Philip Davis, out of England. I haven’t trained with them, but I’ve seen it demonstrated at several conferences. This is my streamlined approach to it, but if you want to learn it more deeply, visit their site.

1. Notice the issue you want to work on, might just be an unnamed sense of unease.

2. Draw an image reflecting how you feel.  It doesn’t have to be much – just meaningful to you. Here’s one of mine.

3. Tap on what you feel and notice, looking at the image. Do at least three rounds, until you feel calmer. For example,

  • Set-Up Phrase: Even though I feel so alone, and so sad, I deeply and completely accept myself.
    • The Rounds: “feeling alone,” “feeling sad.”
  • Set-Up Phrase: Even though I feel so small, and there’s so much emptiness around me, I deeply and completely accept myself.
    • The Rounds: “feeling so small,” “so much emptiness.”
  • Set-Up Phrase: Even though there’s nobody there, I’m willing to love and accept myself.
    • The Rounds: “nobody’s here.”

4. Now draw how you are feeling.

5. If you feel complete, stop here. This probably took only 15 minutes or so. If you want to keep going, do some more tapping.

Let me know!

If you are new to tapping, take a look at this page.


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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Posted in Tapping

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