Deborah donndelinger

Tapping to feel less stressed (video)

We all are feeling stressed right now, with the virus situation unfolding. Tapping is a self-care tool that literally takes minutes and uses the mind-body connection to address stress. If meditation and mindfulness aren’t your thing, you might like tapping. It’s tapping on acupressure points on your body while tuning into the issue that’s upsetting you.

This video is suitable for folks new to tapping who want to work with how they are feeling about the virus pandemic. Worry, grief, and anger can all be addressed with tapping. In this video, I walk you through several rounds of tapping.

If you are having a panic attack or are feeling very triggered, please consult your mental health practitioner or crisis hotline. Tapping is a self-care tool that doesn’t replace professional advice from your health care providers. Tapping with words is often the most effective, but silent tapping can be effective when overly aggravated.

Tapping to feel less stressed during the pandemic

Additional Resources for Emotional Resilience

Photo by Pranav Madhu on Unsplash

Posted in Tapping

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