Deborah Donndelinger

Healing yourself, loving the world

books in a treehouse

Favorite books for homeopathy

Yay, I’m very pleased.  The book I use for homeopathic “prescribing” is now in Kindle form.  My first go-to book has been the paperback 1997 edition of Dr Ullman’s book Homeopathic Self-Care.  But it’s a bit big, and I don’t always remember to take it traveling.  I double-checked Amazon and sure enough – it’s now … Read more

white flower in book

Homeopathic Banerji protocols

I am not a homeopath. If you are looking for a professional who uses Banerji, check out Christina Villacorta here. I don’t know anyone else who uses their work. Sorry about that. The Banerji protocols, a new paradigm in homeopathy I use homeopathy for my family for most acute situations. I’ve been studying it since … Read more

red trees against snow covered park

In the white space

The 52th Gene Key, the stillpoint Richard Rudd begins the Gene Keys Golden Path journey by inviting us to consider the 52th Gene Key.  As I listened to his description and exploration of this Gene Key, I found myself deeply responding to the stillness he names. While I heard his recording several months ago,  its … Read more

antique keys hanging in old shop in Spain

Exploring Gene Keys

When I suggest to my clients they look at the Gene Keys work, I have several reasons in mind: The idea of the shadow, gift and Siddhi of each gate/hexagram/gene key is a compelling one and fits in with my Enneagram studies and the levels of development.  It offers us a vision of the unique … Read more

landscape photo of red and yellow flowers

The best part of the story

When I first learned about the Enneagram, a model of personal and spiritual development, I learned it as this: We each have a core wound or dysfunction and as we try to fix this core problem, we inadvertently re-create the very thing we fear. I found substantial relief in this model because it introduced to me … Read more

majestic waterfall with reddish trees

An experiment of intention

Microwave versus love Several years ago I did an experiment where I grew two pots of seeds, one nourished with tap water and one “mal-nourished” with microwaved water.  My purpose was to prove to my husband that microwaves are bad. I knew they were bad at the time.  And sure enough, the seed grown with … Read more

stunning sunset sky

Beginnings and endings

Everyone has their own unique process of handling endings and beginnings. Like the astrological signs correspond to starting energy or fixed energy or completing energy, we might find that we are better at endings, beginnings, or staying the course. For those of us who are quick to engage with new ideas or projects, we might … Read more

stunningly beautiful single tree in a field

The cause of family entanglements

Where are those stubborn blocks coming from? Events further back in time within the family matrix. (The family matrix refers to the connections between ourselves, our parents, our grandparents, our great-grandparents, our ancestors beyond them, our homelands, and people who have been impacted by our family and are now part of the matrix.) It’s not … Read more

fluffy white puppy dogs

How are we connected?

“How are we connected?” If we asked this question as we engage with others, what would change? Would we be more kind, compassionate, understanding? Would we seek to see where we agree and where we can find common ground? Would we see how we are all part of one giant web of life? Would we … Read more

old leather bound books

Human design library

Jovian Archive, home of Ra Uru Hu, the original messenger of Human Design. Zen Human Design, one of my teachers. She has some very unique perspectives about human design. She trained originally with Ra and then they went separate ways. I appreciate her center-based approach and from her learned to not use type. Kim Gould’s … Read more

mountain field of purple wildflowers

“My scans are clear”

This was published on EFTUniverse last year.  That’s why the format is more formal than normal. And I’m delighted that Keren herself wrote the closing paragraph. My scans are clear …. When I read that email from my client Keren, I was touched deeply.  I knew that we had cleared some of the issues surrounding … Read more

four colorful flower bouquets

In the client’s words

I appreciate Miriam’s words so much as she conveys what her experience was like working together. Hi Deborah, I wanted to put into writing how much I appreciate your tapping support, and the deep skills you bring to our tapping sessions, both in technique and ‘framework’ and in being able to hold the space. When … Read more

water and ice in a blue iceburg

How do we change?

There are several predictable stages when we successfully decide to make a change in our lives.  They might not be deliberate nor obvious nor linear. Become aware that something is not working for us or that we want something to be different. Assessing if we know how to change it alone or if we need … Read more

amethyst geode up close

I want more

I woke one morning this week with a sudden, expansive, and relief-feeling thought. For the past few months, ever since I finished my Family Energetics book, I had been working on some business plans but had been feeling some resistance and things weren’t flowing. I kept feeling this expansive ambition but when I tried to … Read more

antique shop with lots of brass and jars

Honoring our choices

I was at a mall a few weeks ago exchanging a gift in an expensive store located near other more expensive stores.  Walking through this section of the mall, I noticed women dressed quite elegantly, looking very put-together, and I felt a bit envious and uneasy. I commented to my daughter that one day I … Read more