Tapping Scripts

Healing yourself, loving the world

You and the group

This week the interaction between individual needs and group needs might have come into acute focus for you as the archetypal energy of the 45 is defined by the sun. As with all these archetypes, each energy is an opportunity to find more strength and love in who we are and to unravel the grip … Read more

stuning sunset #33

I value myself

We have a built-in bias towards noticing what needs improvement; so let us today celebrate the gifts of who we are, through the lens of the Enneagram. I see and inspire others, just by being myself. I see and create beauty around me, just my being myself. I bring understanding to others, just by being … Read more

kitten and puppy snuggling together

The friendliest thrive

Only the friendliest strongest survive. As we consider the ancient biological drive of survival, we can feel and see the remnants of the idea “only the strong survive.” Of course, our hearts and higher selves know this not to be true. Daily we witness and live the values of cooperation, trust, love, and connection. But … Read more

in the ocean water at eye level

Feeling too busy

It’s been ages since I wrote a tapping script.  (More to say about tapping scripts in the next blog post.)   Today is the day before Halloween and I’ve been feeling a bit busy.   I have a lot on my schedule the next four weeks.  This evening, after a full day, I was noticing how … Read more