Deborah Donndelinger

Healing yourself, loving the world

blue and colorful underwater reef picture

Feisty with a tender heart

Feisty with a tender heart and an unbreakable spirit This past week on my personal FB page, I shared an article called “Do You Belong to One of the 5 Indigo Generations?” and had a blast as others resonated with the article. Finding out I was an Indigo when I was about 30 was a … Read more

stone opening on beach

How many secrets do we keep?

September 27, 2018. Hundreds of thousands of people tune into Dr. Ford’s testimony of her sexual assault as a 15-year-old.  Tears stream down the faces of women everywhere as they listen to her present herself, composed and calmly in front of 21 U.S. Senators and the entire televised world. She’s telling her secrets, she’s telling … Read more

boulders against sunrise and mountain greenspace

Appreciation for ancestral healing

The second stage of healing is in our DNA and ancestral lines Today I want to talk briefly about the second stage of our healing journey, healing our wounds on a family, ancestral level. I found ancestral work during an Allergy Antidotes workshop when one of the participants talked about hidden family loyalties contributing to chronic … Read more

sun shining through thunderstorm

Tension in the body

We are invited to look at the sense of ease in our bodies as it relates back in time to our childhood period of zero to seven years. This childhood period relates to our sense of safety and well-being. Just for today, if it feels safe to do, I invite you to make a list … Read more

Triggered to compassionate #2

Let’s talk about what’s triggering you. Did I say talk? I meant tap. Surrogate tapping is a way to tap for people we care about. In those situations, it’s helpful to clear our own response to what’s happening first before respectfully stepping into tapping for others. There are different ways to do this. I used to … Read more

Triggered to compassionate #1

Happy August to you all. Hope you’re enjoying some outside time wherever you live! A few weeks ago, I had the chance to share tapping at my local spiritual center. The participants are all seasoned spiritual journeyers, grounded and well versed in self-care tools, and it was an absolute delight to share tapping with them. … Read more

fishing boat in stunning sunset

Are you ready to let go?

If there is one main idea in all the systems I have studied, it is the resonant idea of including and transcending. As Rudd says in the 53rd Gene Key: “Expansion is a process of transcending and including.” Look at the statement structure used at the start of tapping and how it invites us to … Read more

english ivy on a textured tree trunk with a knot

Arguing with the wrong person

This post was first written in 2012. You might find it’s even more relevant today. Those of you familiar with Family Constellations and/or Family Energetics know that things aren’t always as they seem when it comes to family relationships and interactions.  One situation in particular that captures my interest and has shown up in my … Read more

Don’t stop at blame

I first wrote this piece in 2013.  Rereading it today, it’s even more applicable in today’s social-political climate.  I reference EFT, also known as tapping, but the insights stand, regardless of which approach you use to move through your emotional and cognitive changes. The relief of self-differentiation I’ve discovered through my own process, and the … Read more

You and the group

This week the interaction between individual needs and group needs might have come into acute focus for you as the archetypal energy of the 45 is defined by the sun. As with all these archetypes, each energy is an opportunity to find more strength and love in who we are and to unravel the grip … Read more

The stories we tell

Two truths and a lie There’s an ice-breaker game called Two Truths and a Lie where each participant writes down three stories about herself, two true and one a fib, and the others try to guess which is which. It’s a fun exercise as an ice-breaker, but it points to something I find much more … Read more

lavender plants in field with setting sun

Doorways to tapping

Finding what to tap on is a common question for folks.  When we are having an intense emotional response to things, we don’t need words.  We are already activated and tapping is all we need. However, when we are working on more subtle areas of tension, we might find it more difficult to know what … Read more


The Archetypes

64 Archetypes 64 archetypes of the human experience inform us, affect us and reflect our human potential.  We each convey into the world a particular intelligence base on our unique configuration of these archetypes. The genesis of these archetypes is the I Ching, of which many books and interpretations are offered.  Human Design interpreted these energies and … Read more

up close shot of purple blossoms on long stems

A Mother’s Day affirmative prayer

This marvelous prayer is from Rev. Lee Blaisdell, Senior Minister at Centers for Spiritual Living, Laurel.  He shared it today at our service and I asked him if I could repost it. Enjoy! We give thanks, appreciation and love for all Mothers “We honor young mothers, giving life and counting toes, tending to their children’s every … Read more

stuning sunset #33

I value myself

We have a built-in bias towards noticing what needs improvement; so let us today celebrate the gifts of who we are, through the lens of the Enneagram. I see and inspire others, just by being myself. I see and create beauty around me, just my being myself. I bring understanding to others, just by being … Read more

large suspension bridge over water into fog

Using structure to tap better

Here are the steps to use a fishbone diagram to help with tapping.  See also this post. Draw the diagram Draw fishbone, putting your or the client’s issue in the effect box. Place the headings on each bone. Brainstorm all your questions and intuitive nudges for each heading. Analyze Look at the whole picture. What … Read more

kitten and puppy snuggling together

The friendliest thrive

Only the friendliest strongest survive. As we consider the ancient biological drive of survival, we can feel and see the remnants of the idea “only the strong survive.” Of course, our hearts and higher selves know this not to be true. Daily we witness and live the values of cooperation, trust, love, and connection. But … Read more