A joyful event

Healing yourself, loving the world

stunning mountain sky with shooting star

A joyful event

The world met you on December 5, 2012.  I had known you for a bit longer.  The first time I saw you, I literally shook with excitement, awe, and delight.  I was overcome with seeing you in physical form.  I delighted in looking at your features, your details, and the love of life you represent. … Read more

smart goals

Heartbased goal setting

Many years ago I facilitated organization strategic business planning and professional goal setting.  There was a model of evaluating goals called SMART.  SMART stood for the following five criteria: Specific Measurable Attainable or Actionable Realistic Time-Oriented. I find those criteria to be somewhat helpful but they don’t nearly account for intuition, our own unique energy … Read more

toddler standing at base of wide marble staircase

It’s up to us

The world needs us to step up If you were to look at your development personally and spiritually as a continuum, or an evolving state of being, you might notice movement through some of the following areas: Unaware of my actions and how my past history affects who I am today. Aware of my past … Read more

purple plasma ball with energy flowig around it

Byron, Rumi, and Abe walk into a bar

Five spiritual teachers walk into a bar. How do you know that’s true? ~ Byron Katie Choose your truth. ~ Abe Life means suffering. ~ Four Noble Truths Swami Vivekananda:  All truth is eternal. When the remedy you have offered only increases the disease, then leave him who will not be cured, and tell your story … Read more

model planets in pinks and blues

The force field of the group

Family Constellations teaches that guilt is the price of leaving. What if there’s a new way? When we leave a family unit, or any group that gives us a sense of safety and identity, it’s like we are leaving the gravitational field of a planet. It takes a certain momentum to leave. Often this momentum … Read more

sun poking through winter trees

Family Energetics

You’ve done your personal work You’ve done your personal work, but still feel stuck in some areas of your life. Perhaps a relationship that just doesn’t feel right, lack of progress in your work, or a general sense of unease with who you are. You don’t fit your life, yet. You’ve tried tapping, therapy, past life … Read more

stone formation at the green grass field

When EFT isn’t enough

I love EFT.  I love how we can make significant changes using a whole new paradigm that is really mind-boggling with both its potential and results. Do you remember the first time you used EFT and felt the emotion fade from your body and the expansive feeling and thoughts move in?  It’s truly an awesome tool. … Read more

mountain stream

Being, doing, spiritual, or material?

Being, doing, spiritual or material? Sounds like twenty questions doesn’t it?  Vegetable, mineral, or animal?  Bigger than a breadbox or smaller? Worldly success is achieved by doing. Spiritual success is achieved by undoing. A juicy conversation yesterday on facebook after I posted this Alan Cohen’s quotes led me to realize how much spiritual advice points to … Read more

mountain range and green valley

Listening to my children’s intuition

Am I supporting my children’s connection to their intuition, inner knowing, physical instincts, mental capacities, emotional truth, and personal authority? To me this is the basis of my parenting and what the movements of unschooling, attachment parenting, and conscious parenting are all about. It’s my definition of what Robin Grille calls the “helping mode” of … Read more

fox trotting towards you in a green field

Light or dark: a story of intuition

Date March 19. 2010. Location An alternative health care center on the East Coast Task Follow the relief The background At the time I was suffering from a variety of health issues that were really dragging me down.  I had had a sudden weight gain of 45#,  severe joint pain, stiffness, headaches, and major detox issues. I was … Read more

town illuminated through a cave opening

The jewel beneath our shame

One of the breakthrough insights I had during my daily tapping was around the role of the emotion of shame. This insight applies also to fear and anger (Enneagram enthusiasts will recognize these three emotions as corresponding to the heart, head, and body triads respectively.) I never knew what to do with the feeling of … Read more

family energetics source

EFT and Family Constellations

The very first blending of tapping and Family Constellations, this article explaining the combination of EFT and Family Constellations was published in Gary Craig’s newsletter in 2010. It eventualy led to the book Family Energetics published on Amazon on 2012. Hi Everyone, Deborah Donndelinger says, “I have come up with an approach for using EFT … Read more

river under green bridge

A new parenting paradigm

The history of parenting is rather brutal, with children once considered non-entities that could be discarded, killed, or used at the parent’s whim. Over time, our collective approach to parenting is evolving and developing, which is good news indeed. How we collectively parent is the leading force that shapes how we are as a country … Read more

night sky, setting sun, stars and yosemite mountains

The Enneagram and EFT

This article was the first piece I wrote on the Enneagram and EFT, published in an EFT magazine in the UK.  You can find several other updated posts on my site on this subject.  A practical model of transformation The Enneagram is a spiritual, psychological, and self-development model and system with a rich history. The … Read more