How I Can Help You
We are complex; we need nuanced solutions, which is why I use tapping, IFS, Family Constellations, the Enneagram, and my intuitive skills to support you.
Healing yourself, loving the world
We are complex; we need nuanced solutions, which is why I use tapping, IFS, Family Constellations, the Enneagram, and my intuitive skills to support you.
The 5 characteristics of a healthy, securely attached parent-child relationship and what’s possible for you.
While each person’s work is unique, there is an overall pattern of progress.
Grief, anger, overwhelm, and shock come and go, but you aren’t thrown off-center as much when you’re tapping.
Whether it’s weight-training or tapping, it takes courage to learn something new!
In the midst of our personal healing, there’s something far greater unfolding.
This ancient Nahuatl blessing shows that we can both appreciate and release our family patterns.
A real story about noticing the quiet voice of our intuition, moment by moment, step by step.
You radiate a signal that awakens in others their potential. We help each other become better.
Advantages and disadvantages of independent thinking at the orange level of Spiral Dynamics.
The fourth level of development The fourth level of spiral dynamics, blue, is about transcending the lawlessness of the previous ego red stage and finding relief in rules and structure. As with every level, there’s wisdom, desire, and value of this stage that we can appreciate and integrate. Think of your grandfather or great-grandfather, the stoic … Read more
Dr. Simmons calls the third level of development “I matter” or “I have power”. This stage of ego development points to one of the most important aspects of integral theory and spiral dynamics. Every level of development is an expansion of the previous level. We need to understand the positive value of each level and … Read more
The second level found in spiral dynamics is about belonging. Belonging is a powerful theme to consider as you enter into the holiday season. You have a deep need to belong; how much of your suffering comes from feeling you don’t fit in? As you embrace or reject long-standing family traditions, you are working with … Read more
Spiral dynamics is a theory of social development, also mapping to our individual development, that provides a powerful perspective and roadmap for our growth. Rev. Dr. Jane Simmons, Q-Process Creator and Unity Minister, gave a series of talks about the levels of growth in which we can find wonderful insights to our personal growth and … Read more
Transcend and include, the relief found in spiral dynamics Spiral dynamics is a theory of social development, also mapping to our individual development, that provides a powerful perspective and roadmap for our growth. It’s important for several reasons: Helps us see the hope when there’s such a variety of behavior in society Helps us grow … Read more