Know & Grow Yourself

Healing yourself, loving the world

blue and colorful underwater reef picture

Feisty with a tender heart

Feisty with a tender heart and an unbreakable spirit This past week on my personal FB page, I shared an article called “Do You Belong to One of the 5 Indigo Generations?” and had a blast as others resonated with the article. Finding out I was an Indigo when I was about 30 was a … Read more

Triggered to compassionate #2

Let’s talk about what’s triggering you. Did I say talk? I meant tap. Surrogate tapping is a way to tap for people we care about. In those situations, it’s helpful to clear our own response to what’s happening first before respectfully stepping into tapping for others. There are different ways to do this. I used to … Read more

Triggered to compassionate #1

Happy August to you all. Hope you’re enjoying some outside time wherever you live! A few weeks ago, I had the chance to share tapping at my local spiritual center. The participants are all seasoned spiritual journeyers, grounded and well versed in self-care tools, and it was an absolute delight to share tapping with them. … Read more

Don’t stop at blame

I first wrote this piece in 2013.  Rereading it today, it’s even more applicable in today’s social-political climate.  I reference EFT, also known as tapping, but the insights stand, regardless of which approach you use to move through your emotional and cognitive changes. The relief of self-differentiation I’ve discovered through my own process, and the … Read more

The stories we tell

Two truths and a lie There’s an ice-breaker game called Two Truths and a Lie where each participant writes down three stories about herself, two true and one a fib, and the others try to guess which is which. It’s a fun exercise as an ice-breaker, but it points to something I find much more … Read more

up close colorful image of moss

Releasing resentment

Sometimes the actions and words of others hurt us. We can heal our response to the outside world but once in a while we might be left with some lingering resentment. Assuming we have already done our inner work and have supported ourselves in honoring the hurt, the best way to release this lingering resentment is to … Read more

lush green path through a wooded and grassy lane

The curious and discerning mind

As we’ve experienced unprecedented political events in both the UK and the US over the last year, I’ve had the feeling of emerging from a fuzzy, confusing mental cocoon into a field of clarity and connection. Perhaps like Dorothy uncovering the Wizard of Oz and getting home again, it feels like a veil of obscurity … Read more

sunset with purple sun and yellow light

Seeing the best

Ever notice that all these different systems have an invitation to see the health in the system. Gene Keys Embrace the shadow; through the shadow, we find the gift. Integral theory or spiral dynamics Transcend and include. Enneagram Our greatest gifts to the world come from the journey through our deepest wounds. Human Design Each … Read more

rustic textured door with heavy lock

Listening with the heart

The Enneagram, like other spiritual systems, teaches us about the triad of heart, body, and mind.  As we are grounded in our bodies, we can open our hearts, and then listen with a clear mind. Like many people raised in our western culture, I have tended to value my intellect first and ignored the body … Read more

waterfall down green valley with bridge across

“I love who I am”

I was quite surprised to hear the words “I love who I am” coming out of my mouth this past week as I was talking with a client.  We were talking about human design. I learned about design about seven or eight years ago from Marian Mills (now Marian May.) We were both moderators on the … Read more

antique keys hanging in old shop in Spain

Exploring Gene Keys

When I suggest to my clients they look at the Gene Keys work, I have several reasons in mind: The idea of the shadow, gift and Siddhi of each gate/hexagram/gene key is a compelling one and fits in with my Enneagram studies and the levels of development.  It offers us a vision of the unique … Read more

landscape photo of red and yellow flowers

The best part of the story

When I first learned about the Enneagram, a model of personal and spiritual development, I learned it as this: We each have a core wound or dysfunction and as we try to fix this core problem, we inadvertently re-create the very thing we fear. I found substantial relief in this model because it introduced to me … Read more

old leather bound books

Human design library

Jovian Archive, home of Ra Uru Hu, the original messenger of Human Design. Zen Human Design, one of my teachers. She has some very unique perspectives about human design. She trained originally with Ra and then they went separate ways. I appreciate her center-based approach and from her learned to not use type. Kim Gould’s … Read more

water and ice in a blue iceburg

How do we change?

There are several predictable stages when we successfully decide to make a change in our lives.  They might not be deliberate nor obvious nor linear. Become aware that something is not working for us or that we want something to be different. Assessing if we know how to change it alone or if we need … Read more