Father’s Day Tapping #210
I didn’t want to publish this in case my Dad heard it, but we need to work on our Dad stuff.
Healing yourself, loving the world
I didn’t want to publish this in case my Dad heard it, but we need to work on our Dad stuff.
being yourself, best of, human design, podcast
Our approach to childhood needs don’t need to carry over into our adult lives.
How to tap along while listening to an audio, with an explanation of the points.
podcast, Self-preservation 4, tapping approaches
The stories we tell ourselves become the stories we tell about ourselves.
Borrow benefits as I tap three rounds on being nervous, the time it reminded me of, and appreciating others.
Stop incorporating negative events into your view of who you are.
Join me as I gently tap on the question “How good do I feel in my life, my body, and the world?”