53rd archetype, evolution, just for today, spiral dynamics
Are you ready to let go?
If there is one main idea in all the systems I have studied, it is the resonant idea of including and transcending. As Rudd says …
Healing yourself, loving the world
53rd archetype, evolution, just for today, spiral dynamics
If there is one main idea in all the systems I have studied, it is the resonant idea of including and transcending. As Rudd says …
connection, evolution, just for today, spiral dynamics
Only the friendliest strongest survive. As we consider the ancient biological drive of survival, we can feel and see the remnants of the idea “only …
evolution, expansion, Gene keys, human design, your journey
Working with the Gene Keys is a mystical, energetic experience
evolution, self-differentiation, your journey
Ever notice that all these different systems have an invitation to see the health in the system. Gene Keys Embrace the shadow; through the shadow, …
evolution, self-differentiation, spiral dynamics
The world needs us to step up If you were to look at your development personally and spiritually as a continuum, or an evolving state …
evolution, self-differentiation, spiral dynamics
Five spiritual teachers walk into a bar. How do you know that’s true? ~ Byron Katie Choose your truth. ~ Abe Life means suffering. ~ Four …