healing principles, individual, self-differentiation, your journey
5 stages of your healing journey
While each person’s work is unique, there is an overall pattern of progress.
Healing yourself, loving the world
healing principles, individual, self-differentiation, your journey
While each person’s work is unique, there is an overall pattern of progress.
being yourself, value yourself, your journey
We all have good that wants to express itself.
A real story about noticing the quiet voice of our intuition, moment by moment, step by step.
healing principles, your journey
Our healing journey I’ve been thinking a lot about the healing journey I’ve been on and the journey I see in others. There are five …
Two truths and a lie There’s an ice-breaker game called Two Truths and a Lie where each participant writes down three stories about herself, two …
evolution, expansion, Gene keys, human design, your journey
Working with the Gene Keys is a mystical, energetic experience
evolution, self-differentiation, your journey
Ever notice that all these different systems have an invitation to see the health in the system. Gene Keys Embrace the shadow; through the shadow, …
family entanglement, family love, your journey
Difficult, yet common, events occur such as war, death, divorce. The family system reacts and defends, doing the best it can at the time. The …
being yourself, human design, self-differentiation, your journey
I was quite surprised to hear the words “I love who I am” coming out of my mouth this past week as I was talking …