The relief of finding out you’re hurting
Grief, anger, overwhelm, and shock come and go, but you aren’t thrown off-center as much when you’re tapping.
Healing yourself, loving the world
Grief, anger, overwhelm, and shock come and go, but you aren’t thrown off-center as much when you’re tapping.
best of, grief, podcast, tender-hearted
Do you think you’re weak or broken if you cry too easily? Join me in this delightful, illuminating, and personal tapping exploration and discover the …
feisty-spirited, grief, tapping approaches
This was published on EFTUniverse last year. That’s why the format is more formal than normal. And I’m delighted that Keren herself wrote the closing …
childhood wounds, grief, shame, tender-hearted
One of the breakthrough insights I had during my daily tapping was around the role of the emotion of shame. This insight applies also to …