connection, podcast, tender-hearted
Shining Your Light #241
We each shine a heart signal to the world. How connected do you feel to yours?
Healing yourself, loving the world
connection, podcast, tender-hearted
We each shine a heart signal to the world. How connected do you feel to yours?
22nd archetype, connection, tender-hearted
The Enneagram, like other spiritual systems, teaches us about the triad of heart, body, and mind. As we are grounded in our bodies, we can …
feisty-spirited, goal-setting, resolutions, tender-hearted
Many years ago I facilitated organization strategic business planning and professional goal setting. There was a model of evaluating goals called SMART. SMART stood for …
childhood wounds, grief, shame, tender-hearted
One of the breakthrough insights I had during my daily tapping was around the role of the emotion of shame. This insight applies also to …