being yourself, goal-setting, podcast
The Energy To Start Things #312
Finding your timing and the energy to start things in a way works for you.
Healing yourself, loving the world
being yourself, goal-setting, podcast
Finding your timing and the energy to start things in a way works for you.
You remember the classic self-help book, I’m Okay, You’re Okay? I love the idea of the four quadrants of okay, not okay, I, and the …
goal-setting, intuitive, resolutions, trust
It’s a funny thing those goals, plans, and resolutions …. I was clearing off my bulletin board a few weeks ago. On the board, I …
being yourself, goal-setting, holidays
Tapping for old resolutions that forced us to fit in and weren’t really what we wanted.
goal-setting, holidays, podcast
Honor your energy as you consider New Years, winter reflection, and renewal.
41st archetype, 53rd archetype, 54th archetype, goal-setting
I woke one morning this week with a sudden, expansive, and relief-feeling thought. For the past few months, ever since I finished my Family Energetics …
feisty-spirited, goal-setting, resolutions, tender-hearted
Many years ago I facilitated organization strategic business planning and professional goal setting. There was a model of evaluating goals called SMART. SMART stood for …