Gene keys, human design, Transits
The mystery, binds, and insights of transits
Every 5.7 days the sun transits a different archetypal energy.
Healing yourself, loving the world
Gene keys, human design, Transits
Every 5.7 days the sun transits a different archetypal energy.
holidays, human design, podcast
Treat yourself to ten minutes of feeling better with tapping for holiday stress.
I’ve been writing recently about the stages of our healing and transformational journeys. I see four distinct areas, with a fifth, unknown, creative area. Heal …
We each have a different relationship with rest and physical exertion based on our human design.
being yourself, best of, human design, podcast
Our approach to childhood needs don’t need to carry over into our adult lives.
evolution, expansion, Gene keys, human design, your journey
Working with the Gene Keys is a mystical, energetic experience
being yourself, human design, self-differentiation, your journey
I was quite surprised to hear the words “I love who I am” coming out of my mouth this past week as I was talking …
archetypes, Gene keys, human design, self-differentiation
When I suggest to my clients they look at the Gene Keys work, I have several reasons in mind: The idea of the shadow, gift …
centers, gates, human design, profiles, types
Jovian Archive, home of Ra Uru Hu, the original messenger of Human Design. Zen Human Design, one of my teachers. She has some very unique …
I appreciate Miriam’s words so much as she conveys what her experience was like working together. Hi Deborah, I wanted to put into writing how …
feisty-spirited, human design, intuitive, spiral dynamics
I am lucky. I have a very active and smart brain. I can dissect a problem, plan it, map it, set criteria, and prioritize it …
business, human design, value yourself
Look at most business advice on setting rates and you’ll find something along the lines of “Charge what you are worth” or, “You are not charging …
being yourself, human design, self-differentiation
Being, doing, spiritual or material? Sounds like twenty questions doesn’t it? Vegetable, mineral, or animal? Bigger than a breadbox or smaller? Worldly success is achieved by …
being yourself, human design, parenting, unschooling
I recently introduced a fellow unschooling mom to human design — the experience was such a relief for her. I’m finding that more and more …
Much of what I’ve written about in my newsletters is how to use EFT, Family Energetics, and now Human Design to know ourselves. EFT allows …