tapping hints, tapping scripts
Tapping scripts do work
Tappings scripts do work, despite what Gary Craig says. Here’s why and what to avoid.
Healing yourself, loving the world
tapping hints, tapping scripts
Tappings scripts do work, despite what Gary Craig says. Here’s why and what to avoid.
creative expression, set-up phrase, tapping hints
What to say tapping is one of the most common questions. Here’s my favorite set-up language.
EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping hints
EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, also called tapping, is a powerful self-healing tool that takes only minutes to learn.
Don’t be like me and stop at 1 or 2 intensity! Keep going and find new aspects for relief.
surrogate tapping, tapping hints
Yes, you can tap for someone else, if you get yourself out of the way. Here’s how.
EFT history, set-up phrase, tapping hints
The set-up phrase is a powerful part of tapping as it calibrates where you are with the issue.
ancestral healing, tapping hints
When something happens in the moment and I have an over-the-top reaction, how do I know what to tap on? I don’t really – I …
Imagine a continuum, a sliding scale, with fear on the left end and unconditional love on the far right. Ideally we are free to along …
There are four areas I check when EFT doesn’t seem to be working. Hydration — make sure you are hydrated and have water on hand; Believable …