
Healing yourself, loving the world

mountain field of purple wildflowers

“My scans are clear”

This was published on EFTUniverse last year.  That’s why the format is more formal than normal. And I’m delighted that Keren herself wrote the closing paragraph. My scans are clear …. When I read that email from my client Keren, I was touched deeply.  I knew that we had cleared some of the issues surrounding … Read more

four colorful flower bouquets

In the client’s words

I appreciate Miriam’s words so much as she conveys what her experience was like working together. Hi Deborah, I wanted to put into writing how much I appreciate your tapping support, and the deep skills you bring to our tapping sessions, both in technique and ‘framework’ and in being able to hold the space. When … Read more

amethyst geode up close

I want more

I woke one morning this week with a sudden, expansive, and relief-feeling thought. For the past few months, ever since I finished my Family Energetics book, I had been working on some business plans but had been feeling some resistance and things weren’t flowing. I kept feeling this expansive ambition but when I tried to … Read more

fox trotting towards you in a green field

Light or dark: a story of intuition

Date March 19. 2010. Location An alternative health care center on the East Coast Task Follow the relief The background At the time I was suffering from a variety of health issues that were really dragging me down.  I had had a sudden weight gain of 45#,  severe joint pain, stiffness, headaches, and major detox issues. I was … Read more

town illuminated through a cave opening

The jewel beneath our shame

One of the breakthrough insights I had during my daily tapping was around the role of the emotion of shame. This insight applies also to fear and anger (Enneagram enthusiasts will recognize these three emotions as corresponding to the heart, head, and body triads respectively.) I never knew what to do with the feeling of … Read more

colorful autumn image

How do you know what to tap on?

When something happens in the moment and I have an over-the-top reaction, how do I know what to tap on? I don’t really – I just try different language until something “pops” or clears.  Yet as I think about it, I can see four “levels” of tapping possible.  (Probably many more – I just don’t … Read more

The tapping points

The Points Described The side-0f-the-hand point is the pinkie side edge of the hand. The eyebrow point is located at the beginning of either eyebrow near the bridge of the nose on the orbital bone. The side-of-the-eye point is found by following the eyebrow around to its end, near the outside of either eye, on the bone, in front … Read more