Your Brilliant Life

Healing yourself, loving the world

mountain scene


Intro to tapping points

A visual demonstration of the eight tapping points most commonly used from the beginning of the eyebrow to the top of the head.

stone opening on beach

Best Of, Reflections

How many secrets do we keep?

September 27, 2018. Hundreds of thousands of people tune into Dr. Ford’s testimony of her sexual assault as a 15-year-old.  Tears stream down the faces …

sun shining through thunderstorm

Tapping Scripts

Tension in the body

We are invited to look at the sense of ease in our bodies as it relates back in time to our childhood period of zero …

fishing boat in stunning sunset

Tapping Scripts

Are you ready to let go?

If there is one main idea in all the systems I have studied, it is the resonant idea of including and transcending. As Rudd says …

Best Of, Know & Grow Yourself

Don’t stop at blame

I first wrote this piece in 2013.  Rereading it today, it’s even more applicable in today’s social-political climate.  I reference EFT, also known as tapping, …

Tapping Scripts

You and the group

This week the interaction between individual needs and group needs might have come into acute focus for you as the archetypal energy of the 45 …

Know & Grow Yourself

The stories we tell

Two truths and a lie There’s an ice-breaker game called Two Truths and a Lie where each participant writes down three stories about herself, two …

lavender plants in field with setting sun


Doorways to tapping

Finding what to tap on is a common question for folks.  When we are having an intense emotional response to things, we don’t need words.  …



The Archetypes

64 Archetypes 64 archetypes of the human experience inform us, affect us and reflect our human potential.  We each convey into the world a particular intelligence …

stuning sunset #33

Tapping Scripts

I value myself

We have a built-in bias towards noticing what needs improvement; so let us today celebrate the gifts of who we are, through the lens of …

large suspension bridge over water into fog


Using structure to tap better

Here are the steps to use a fishbone diagram to help with tapping.  See also this post. Draw the diagram Draw fishbone, putting your or …

kitten and puppy snuggling together

Tapping Scripts

The friendliest thrive

Only the friendliest strongest survive. As we consider the ancient biological drive of survival, we can feel and see the remnants of the idea “only …