goal-setting, intuitive, resolutions, trust
Those goals, plans, and resolutions
It’s a funny thing those goals, plans, and resolutions …. I was clearing off my bulletin board a few weeks ago. On the board, I …
Healing yourself, loving the world
goal-setting, intuitive, resolutions, trust
It’s a funny thing those goals, plans, and resolutions …. I was clearing off my bulletin board a few weeks ago. On the board, I …
feisty-spirited, goal-setting, resolutions, tender-hearted
Many years ago I facilitated organization strategic business planning and professional goal setting. There was a model of evaluating goals called SMART. SMART stood for …
being yourself, holidays, resolutions
I’ve always thought the timing of making New Year’s resolutions has been wrong, too rushed, and just not in synch with nature. It definitely is …