Deborah Donndelinger

Healing yourself, loving the world

Just for Today March 29

I use my insight to discern what is higher and lower frequency. On March 24, 2018, the student-led commonsense gun-control rally March for Our Lives was held in Washington, DC and eight hundred other locations worldwide. At the time, many hoped that it would be the tipping point for the United States with its heart-wrenching … Read more

up close colorful image of moss

Releasing resentment

Sometimes the actions and words of others hurt us. We can heal our response to the outside world but once in a while we might be left with some lingering resentment. Assuming we have already done our inner work and have supported ourselves in honoring the hurt, the best way to release this lingering resentment is to … Read more

lush green path through a wooded and grassy lane

The curious and discerning mind

As we’ve experienced unprecedented political events in both the UK and the US over the last year, I’ve had the feeling of emerging from a fuzzy, confusing mental cocoon into a field of clarity and connection. Perhaps like Dorothy uncovering the Wizard of Oz and getting home again, it feels like a veil of obscurity … Read more

christmas lights and buses, england

The light in the holidays

As we stop and look beneath the holiday hustle and bustle, we can notice some powerful energies and desires at work during this time of year.  The cycles of nature and trajectories of the planets give us the space to pause, reflect, embrace, and delight, if we pause and notice what’s happening underneath. For some … Read more

boy playing in leaves

Relationship-based parenting

Relationship-based, not rule-based When I started my EFT work, my children were small and I was navigating my world of attachment, respectful parenting. I was very clear that I wanted to focus on my children’s needs and their innate authority,  and I found very specific resources to help me. My passion for deliberate, conscious parenting showed … Read more

sunset with purple sun and yellow light

Seeing the best

Ever notice that all these different systems have an invitation to see the health in the system. Gene Keys Embrace the shadow; through the shadow, we find the gift. Integral theory or spiral dynamics Transcend and include. Enneagram Our greatest gifts to the world come from the journey through our deepest wounds. Human Design Each … Read more

rustic textured door with heavy lock

Listening with the heart

The Enneagram, like other spiritual systems, teaches us about the triad of heart, body, and mind.  As we are grounded in our bodies, we can open our hearts, and then listen with a clear mind. Like many people raised in our western culture, I have tended to value my intellect first and ignored the body … Read more

sun light passing through green leafed tree

Family Energetics in 100 words

Difficult, yet common, events occur such as war, death, divorce. The family system reacts and defends, doing the best it can at the time. The expanding family matrix adapts but contains an entanglement. The entanglement gets passed on and shows up in our current lives. We heal this entanglement, revealing the love and acceptance that’s … Read more

in the ocean water at eye level

Feeling too busy

It’s been ages since I wrote a tapping script.  (More to say about tapping scripts in the next blog post.)   Today is the day before Halloween and I’ve been feeling a bit busy.   I have a lot on my schedule the next four weeks.  This evening, after a full day, I was noticing how … Read more

old fashioned phones on the wall #57

Explaining EFT sensibly

Sejual Shah is a lovely, skilled, and confident EFT practitioner that I meet with regularly to exchange ideas and support each other. She has a deep applied and theoretical understanding of EFT,  extensive experience and results, and has this delightful blending of deep presence and systemic thinking. She’s well-known for her work in taking EFT … Read more

easel in brick walled studio

Tapping through drawing

I first learned about picture tapping from Jondi Whitis at the Spring Energy Event several years ago.  I will be meeting the creators Christine Sutton and Philip Davis next year at the York Gathering and thought it time I give it a try. Drawings tell us so much I’ve done some powerful pieces of inner work based … Read more

waterfall down green valley with bridge across

“I love who I am”

I was quite surprised to hear the words “I love who I am” coming out of my mouth this past week as I was talking with a client.  We were talking about human design. I learned about design about seven or eight years ago from Marian Mills (now Marian May.) We were both moderators on the … Read more

moss covered rock walls along train tracks into tunnel #64

Goals are okay, I’m okay

You remember the classic self-help book, I’m Okay, You’re Okay? I love the idea of the four quadrants of okay, not okay, I, and the other. Well here’s a story of that idea applied to goals, yes goals. Goals are okay, I’m not I used to be the ultimate-goal-setting person. I lived by my goals; I trained … Read more

spring flowers white

2015 Spring Energy Event

Hello my friends, I am just back from the 2015 Spring Energy Event – and wow!  What a powerhouse gathering.  I have so many notes, ideas, and insights to share with everyone.  I will be writing about it all over the next month or so. So stay tuned! One of the most striking experiences for me … Read more