Your Brilliant Life
Healing yourself, loving the world
Never again, an IFS car part story
An unexpected outcome after doing some parts work
What is IFS and why might you care?
IFS is taking the healing world by storm. Here's how it's different to EFT and how it's complementary.
Feeling safe, seen, and celebrated
The 5 characteristics of a healthy, securely attached parent-child relationship and what's possible for you.
5 stages of your healing journey
While each person's work is unique, there is an overall pattern of progress.
The 4 agreements of social media
The 4 agreements for social media - you can make a difference.
Self care and compassion
Three rounds of tapping and an intention for self-care and compassion with Sunday & Deb
A healthy, functioning government
Angry at how the average person is overlooked by the current administration, espeically around healthcare and econonic security?
Pandemic and election fatigue
Refinding our hope amidst pandemic and election fatigue by Sunday and Deb.
Our Supreme Court
Holding the vision for a competent, interdependent court.
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Helpful perspectives, tools, and insights reminding you that you’re okay, you have so much love to offer, and the world needs you.
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